Lema Rails LMS - The Ultimate LMS Framework for Ruby on Rails

Improved your learning management web applications with Lema Rails, the leading LMS UI Admin created for Ruby on Rails. Lema Rails offers multiple layout styles: fixed, fluid, and admin.


  • Bootstrap 5.2.0: Revamp your Rails Admin with the latest Bootstrap 5.2 features
  • Context specific Dashboards: Complete dashboard designs for students and instructors with enhanced user experience and functionality.
  • Complete UI Packs: Choose from a douzing of UI components for students, instructors, and admins roles
  • Drag & Drop Functionality: Simplify CRUD management with simple drag-and-drop UI features.
  • Over 100 UI Components: A big collection of admin UI components to improve your educational platform
  • Fully Responsive: Seamless experience across all devices and screen sizes with 100% responsive themes.
  • RTL Support: Right-to-left (RTL) alignment capabilities.
  • Valid HTML Coding: Clean and validated HTML5 code.

Student Highlights

  • Complete Student Dashboard UI
  • Interactive UI Courses, Series and Lessong
  • User-friendly and easy quiz taking interface design
  • Custom student profile designs.
  • Complete educational rails admin UI resources and more.

Instructor Highlights

  • Course and lesson management UI components.
  • Quiz editing and grading designed system.
  • Dashboard with earnings & tracking widgets
  • Customized instructor profiles and many more.
Licences Details
1 site/application
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All our Themes
  • Rails 7 compatible
  • Bootstrap 5.x
  • Rails .erb views
  • Devise Gem views
  • Sketch Design files included

Rails Admin Themes for your Rails Application Dashboard

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